NMD 206
NMD 206
I was born into an Air Force family and moved around a lot in my life. Born in the now Decommissioned Pees AFB, moved to England shortly thereafter. A few years later we moved to Mountain Home, Idaho, where I spent about 5 or 6 years. My family and I then moved to Portales, NM, and about 6 years later, we were right back in Mountain Home.
We stayed there until my 18th birthday (we left that very day!) when my dad, who had by then retired, decided to get a job in Maine, where I now reside. I spent a year off of school, but went right back into it. My original plan was computer science. Hey, I liked computers, so why not? I spent about 3 years getting an associates degree in Computer Information Systems at University College of Bangor (to raise my highschool GPA and get some associated credits) and then made my way to the University of Maine, which finally accepted my entrance.
It was about a year later that I realized that my passion was not for computers or programming games, but the art and the stories the games told. So now, still in school, I am studying art as hard as I possibly can!
Well Traveled Backstory
After many years of trying to find myself, I wound up in the New Media program over at Umaine. I’ve even been hitting up the traditional arts just as hard, if not more so. If it’s within my power, I WILL make my dreams a reality.